702 Hearth made of sandstone rounded Gray 6 rings / piece

Hearth made of sandstone rounded Gray 6 rings / piece
ООО "Каменный портал"

A set of stone for a round hearth for assembling with your own hands Aliexpress.ru

  • 6 rings of crushed rounded stone sandstone
  • height about 39 cm
  • The fraction of the inner diameter of the ring is from 80 cm (the outer diameter of the ring is from 130 cm)
  • the number of stones is from 112 pieces.
  • Delivery of PEC 11000-14000 rubles. depending on the region.

Video of a hearth made of rounded stone

youtube Очаг и кострище из камня своими руками

  • The usual set of the hearth includes 6 rings with a diameter of 80 cm inside the circle.
  • The thickness of the stone is 50-70 mm. The number of rings and diameter can be made to order.
  • The stone is heat-resistant, when fired, the stone will eventually acquire a pink-red color.

Standard sizes of the fire pit:

  • the fraction of the inner diameter of the ring is 80 cm (the outer diameter of the ring is 130 cm)
  • the fraction of the inner diameter of the ring is 90 cm (the outer diameter of the ring is 140 cm)
  • the fraction of the inner diameter of the ring is 100 cm (the outer diameter of the ring is 150 cm)

    Photo of delivery Hearth made of sandstone rounded Gray:


    Hearth made of rounded Gray sandstone (702)

    You can buy a Hearth made of sandstone rounded Gray (702) in the online store "Stone Portal" at an affordable price. Hearth made of rounded Gray sandstone (702): description, photos, characteristics, customer reviews.

    Delivery of a hearth made of sandstone stone

    The stone set is quite heavy. The hearth of six rings weighs 750 kg, so it can be used when laying without mortar. It stands perfectly under its weight. As a result, there are three variants of the hearth with an inner diameter for all tastes. 80 centimeters (inner diameter), 90 and a meter. Well, such meter options, of course, weigh even more, up to 950 kg.

    очаг из камня монтаж своими руками

    The sandstone stone is absolutely not afraid of fire and does not contain radiation, in general it is a very eco-friendly stone. The strength grade is M800, the abrasion period is as much as 500 years, unlike concrete, which has complete abrasion in 40 years. Usually the hearth is equipped with six rings, but according to functional necessity there may be 3, 4, 5, 6 or more rings.

    Колодец из камня галтованного песчаника

    Separately, I would like to note another option that we have already made to the next customer from galtovannogo stone. He needed to cover the well. Since this is water - a well, then the stone had to have a rounded shape, emphasizing that it is a well, not a fire. He had 8 rings there - it was a meter in diameter and the stone was rolled in the rolling machines - such concrete mixers. 4 hours of grinding the stone against each other only slightly erases the edges of the sandstone - it is so durable.

    When galtovanii stone is slightly erased and brightens.

    The hearth will be laid on a pallet each ring separately.

    очаг на паллете при загрузке погрузчиком

    Usually the rings come in a set of different thicknesses, which emphasizes the naturalness of the stone. For example, if there are three rings with a thickness of 5, 6 and 7 centimeters, then I recommend putting a thicker ring on the bottom.

    Reviews (5)
    Геннадий г.Москва
    Доброе утро. Площадка ещё не оформлена окончательно, но очаг вчера вечером вдвоем с супругой сложили. Очень хорошо, нам нравится. Спасибо большое за ваш труд!
    Спасибо! И результат, и весь процесс общения с вами был приятен! С первого звонка я осталась с вами благодаря очень профессиональному общению вашего сотрудника. Я часто выбираю компанию по умению общаться! С первого звонка и до результата все вопросы решались грамотно! И результатом мы тоже очень довольны! Спасибо 🤗
    Заказывала очаг из камня. Очень понравилось работать с Игорем. Всё четко, честно. Все детали обговорены, договор, доставка - всё в срок. И при этом Подрядчик всегда на связи. Молодцы! Правда, с камнем еще пришлось повозиться. Но очаг получился замечательный. Спасибо за работу!
    Отличный очаг, гармонично вписывающийся в природный стиль сада. Естественное природное украшение зоны отдыха. 👍
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