Buy natural stone directly from the quarry 🚛 delivery in Russia

Minimum order: hearths from 1 piece, natural stone from 10 tons
A set of stone for a round fire pit for assembling with your own hands 3 rings of crushed...
At 20 460 RUB/pcs.
Gray-green sandstone is a smooth, strong and economical natural stone for paving and facing. "Green" is added to the name...
13 900 RUB 11 500 RUB/m3
A set of stone for a round hearth for assembling with your own hands 6 rings of crushed rounded...
At 64 600 RUB/pcs.
Red river pebbles of yellowish shades, used to highlight areas when filling out playgrounds and paths. Another color in the...
7 100 RUB 5 600 RUB/t
We have created the first set of sandstone for masonry. It is used in two versions: 1. 150-200mm - facing...
3 650 RUB/m2
Архивы фото отчётов продаж камня за 2015-2016 и 2017-2018 г.г.
Архив фото отчётов поставок природного камня на старых платформах блогов....
Доставка 0003 ледниковых валунов
Валуны гиганты, Валуны и глыбы, Валуны до 2 м, Глыбы...
Доставка 2350 от 26 сентября 2024 г в Краснодарский край с. Мысхако
Брусчатка пиленная, Брусчатка галтованная, Брусчатка каменная
Доставка № 2348 камень в ассортименте от 13 сентября 2024 г. МО г. Талдом
Булыжник круглый, Булыжник рваный, Булыжник плоский, Галька и булыжник, Галька...

I supply natural stone - that's what I've been doing for the last 17 years / Igor Shevkov

I supply tons directly from quarries and am responsible for the quality of each piece.

Earlier I used to be a 1C programmer who automated dozens of companies and productions in Rostov-on-Don. I felt like a God in 1C. But I decided that automating my business is much more grateful than others.

By the will of fate, I took up a natural stone. I had 4 positions gray and red sandstone and river pebbles and cobblestones.

Now there are 190 of them, all these years I've been scouring the quarries:

  • looking for stones with a twist
  • by separating them into separate positions
  • seeking a certain quality of selection from career workers
  • making high-quality photos
  • classify and come up with a name
  • I recommend new positions as options for the landscape
  • I beg for photos of my clients' finished works.


  1. I have assembled a team from partner quarries that mine the highest quality stone.
  2. I constantly check and recheck each delivery, make photo reports to fix the quality of natural stone.
  3. I am seeking my dealer discounts so that the price is favorable for you.
  4. I am looking for reliable carriers and at the same time they took the stone on return flights at an inexpensive rate, so that it would be profitable for you to receive the stone with delivery for a thousand kilometers.
  5. And the whole deal in white with the contract account and payment of taxes on my part.

Automation allows you to perform all 44 actions for each shipment in a timely manner, without problems.
And I will pick up a stone for your landscape projects or identify it from a photo.

Since you've read to the end, I'll tell you why I'm telling you all this.

These are all things that are not obvious and many potential customers are looking for me, but there are no those among their friends, who worked with me.

And you just need to look at this site and you will understand the sincerity of my words!

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